Thursday, January 27, 2011

Down in the Dirt

For more than a week now we've been addressing moisture issues in the house: preparing the crawl space for a vapor barrier (smoothing out the piles of dirt, removing old pipes and rubble) and digging around the foundation to improve the drainage around the house. Neither of these are much fun -- Tom had a few choice words for whoever invented the crawl space. When I imagined a doing a remodel, I never figured there'd be so much digging!

(We dug out the awful cotoneasters at the front corners of the house!)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Week Ten: Pulling Nails

We're trying to reuse as much lumber as we can, so we've been cleaning up every board, stick, and 2x4. That means pulling nails. Lots and lots of long, rusty nails. Hundreds of them. Some day soon we will be hammering nails instead of pulling them!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cleaning out the Crawl Space

One of us ventured into the crawl space today to clean out some of the accumulated debris and junk in there. The only treasures unearthed were three old tablecloths, which might be nice if the musty crawl space smell comes out in the laundry.

Someone else smashed up the old bathtub.

And someone else helped fill up the dumpster.
Happy New Year!