Sunday, March 27, 2011

The View from the "Kitchen"

We got a glimpse today of what the view will one day look like from the kitchen.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Marching Onward

It's felt like slow-going this month, probably because so much of what's been done isn't really visible. We've had a few days of warm weather though, and it's been wonderful to just open up the doors and windows and to do some work in the yard.
       A few weeks ago we finished the drainage work around the front part of the house. Dug the ditches, lined them with plastic, then put in drainage pipe wrapped in weed cloth, filled it with gravel, and then topped it off with sand. Easy, right?

Tom's been hard at work fixing the floor joists in the future kitchen, utility room, and bathroom. There was a bunch of rot and termite damage to contend with. The joists are sistered up with new 2x8's and now it's one SOLID floor!

For a few reasons, we're also jacking up all of the walls. The main reason is to slide some thin PVC between the concrete foundation (the blocks are open, not capped) and the sill plate as a termite prevention measure. The sound of the house creaking and groaning is...interesting.

PVC termite shield, with metal at seams

Today we started taking off the vinyl siding in preparation for installing some of the big windows across the back of the house.

We had to wonder, who was Joe?

We got a bonfire going to burn up an ever-growing brush pile and roasted some hot dogs.

And we enjoyed the view of the creek and a red-tailed hawk circling overhead.