Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Under Wraps

Work continues under the blue tarps.

Tom ("brains") has been busy working under the tarps, building the frame for the living room front wall.

Laura ("brawn") has been busy ripping pieces off the house and stacking them up.
Looking from the "dining room" into the "living room." No windows! No walls!

Living room front wall. Windows and door to come.

Living room back wall, where the fireplace once was. The skylight is the chimney hole.

It's like a tree house!
This is the other "front" wall--Insulation in place and cement board soon to be installed.

Same wall from the other direction, cement board up, looking toward future front door.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Another Wall Goes Up!

The weather has been great lately, and we've gotten a lot done. Work has focused on the front exterior wall. The wall has been covered by blue tarps for months and it's been fun to see the neighbors drive by and watch our progress. It took a few weeks, but this little movie speeds up the process!

Lettuce growing in the new retaining wall.