Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Great Wall of Storage

The latest project has been the construction of the wall dividing the bathroom from the laundry room. This isn't just any wall; it's the Wall of Storage. On the bathroom side, there will be tall cupboards for storing bathroom stuff. On the laundry room side there are deeper cubbies, which we may just decide to leave open. One of the bays will allow laundry, dirty and clean, to pass between the two rooms. Two drawers, accessed from the bathroom side, hold laundry baskets so that dirty towels and clothes can be tossed in from the bathroom side. Above are cupboards that can be stocked with clean towels from the laundry side and accessed from the bathroom side. Genius, right?

Laundry room side 
Laundry room side. The nook at the right where the drill now is will be occupied by a stacking washer and dryer.

Laundry baskets and ventilation.

From the bathroom side (note the grab bar/towel bar at right—it's never too early to plan for later!) 
Looking into the bathroom from the doorway.

Toilet nook
Ikea sink installed. A find in the "As Is" department a few years ago. That pipe in the wall is called a Studer vent. It will be covered by a mirror later.
Next up will be tiling the bathroom floor and the shower stall. Stay tuned!